In this paper, a queueing model with multiple vacation and feedback with batch arrival is considered. 建立休假,反馈,和成批到达的多类型相结合的排队模型。
The Research of Working Vacations and Related Communication Queueing Model 工作休假及相关通信排队模型的研究
Existence and uniqueness of solution for M/ M/ 1 queueing model M/M/1排队模型动态解的存在唯一性
We first consider the M/ M/ s queueing model with two priorities. Through the analysis of state transition-rate equations of two priorities, the average queue length at the input or output of communications systems is derived. 首先考虑带有两个优先权的M/M/s排队模型,通过对两个队列的状态转移方程的分析,给出了通信系统输入输出线上的稳态队长。
A Note on the M/ M/ 1 Queueing Model Described by Ordinary Differential Equations 常微分方程形式的M/M/1排队模型的一个注
The performances of ATM switches with different butter queueing model are analyzed in the third part of this paper. We discuss the performances of input queue switch, shared memory switch and output queue switch respectively. 第三部分对不同缓冲排队模型的ATM交换机的性能进行了分析,分别讨论了输入排队交换机、共享存储排队交换机及输出排队交换机的的性能。
We prove that the M/ M/ 2 queueing model has a unique positive time-dependent solution which satisfies probability condition by using C0-semigroup theory, then we obtain asymptotic property of the solution through studying special properties of the operator corresponding to this model. 首先运用C0-半群理论证明M/M/2排队模型有惟一的概率瞬态解,然后通过研究对应于M/M/2排队模型的主算子的谱特征得到解的渐近性质。
A General Queueing Model of Data Link Protocols and Its Performance Analysis 数据链路层协议通用排队模型及性能分析
In this paper we build the queueing model on access method of delay-insertion for ring LAN. That is M~ 2/ G/ 1/ ∞/ PR ( 1,2). The mathematical analysis and analog experiment are also given. 本文为环形LAN的延迟插入式存取方式建立了排队模型M~2/G/1/∝/PR(1,2),并进行了教学解析与模拟实验。
This article provides approximate queueing model& method of performance analysis for packet switching system in ISDN. 本文给出了ISDN网中的分组交换系统的排队模型以及分析其性能的近似方法。
According to the definition of the logistics, this text tries to narrate the logistics with the process of city passenger transport, constructs Markov queueing model of the logistics random network and expands classics queueing model; 根据物流的定义[1,2],试以城市旅客运输叙述物流机理,构造物流随机网络马尔可夫排队模型,拓展了经典排队模型;
In this paper, we discuss the dynamic M/ M/ 1 queueing model. By using the operator semigroup theory we prove the unique solution is stable and positively isometry. 运用算子半群理论证明了M/M/1排队模型的l1动态解的稳定性和正等距性。
The paper presents a new method, two-stage queueing model for resource sharing, to improve the efficiency of bandwith and to decrease cell loss rate in satellite ATM network. 本文针对ATM技术在卫星网络中的应用,就如何实现卫星频率资源的分配,以提高全网统计复用的增益,降低信元的丢失率,提出了一种新的排队模型:二级队列共享。
The Queueing Model and Performance Analysis of an ATM Router 一种ATM路由器的排队模型及性能分析
Firstly, FIFO queue is studied in queue management discipline and mathematical expression of buffer capacity is given, then tandem queueing model is studied and performance analysis is given; 在队列管理策略中,首先研究了FIFO排队策略,给出了缓存器容量设计的计算公式,并在此基础上对串联排队模型进行性能分析;
Queue theory is applied in the analysis of selective discarding of IP network in this article. A queueing model is formed based on the principle of selective discarding. 运用排队理论对IP网络中的选择性丢弃问题进行了分析。
Distribution of the Transient Queue Length in a Queueing Model with Input Dependent on the System State 一个输入依赖于系统状态的排队模型的瞬时队长分布
This paper illustrates that the ATM multiplexer consists of traffic inputting, pre-processing and switching. Based on MX/ D/ 1 queueing model, the paper proposes a new solution for analyzing the performance of ATM multiplexing. 本文用业务输入、预处理和交换三部分描述ATM多路复用模型,把泊松批到达过程M~X/D/1应用到排队模型的分析中,为ATM多路复用的性能分析提出一种新的方法。
A Decision Support System based on prototyping approach which uses Lotus 123 and Queueing model 一种基于原型法的用Lotus软件和排队模型构成的决策支持系统
Burst-level loss system input by bursty bursty with the same peak rate is an important queueing model in the study of resources allocation and call admission control in ATM networks. 输入为同峰值速率突发信源的突发级损失系统是ATM网络资源分配和呼叫允许控制研究中的一种重要排队模型。
In this paper we investigate the optimal handling speed by using the queueing model and discuss the factors influencing optimal handling speed. 本文采用排队模型求出系统最优的退货处理速度,并讨论了影响最优处理速度的各个因素;
This paper concerns with the queueing model GI/ M/ m with single arrivals and batch service. 本文研究单个到来成批服务的GI/M/m排队模型。
This paper presents a unified queueing model for performance evaluation of various local ring network protocols. 本文应用排队论原理建立了计算机环形局部网络的统一数学模型,提出了系统评价各类环形网络通讯协议性能的方法。
Analysis of the Discrete-time GI-geom-1 Queueing Model Using Generating Functions 利用生成函数分析离散时间GI-geom排队模型
Analysis and Simulation of the Data Queueing Model of a Voice-Data Interpolation System in Single Analog Telephone Channel 单路模拟话音/数据插空传输系统数据排队模型分析与模拟
The Access Method and Queueing Model Based on Timed-token Protocol for Critical Region in Distributed System 分布式系统临界区的时控令牌访问算法及其排队模型
Queueing Model on Access Method for Delay-Insertion 延迟插入式存取方式的排队模型
By the relationship between ruin model and queueing model we know that the results we obtain can be applied to management science in many aspects. 由破产模型与排队模型之间的联系可知,本文的结果在管理科学中有许多应用。
In this paper, the dynamic M/ M/ n queueing model is discussed, By using the c 0-Semigroup theory, the existence of a unique dynamic positive solution of M/ M/ n model is given. 文章讨论动态M/M/n排队模型,运用算子半群理论证明了该模型动态正解的存在唯一性。
By recurring to M/ G/ 1 queueing model, Chapter 2 analysed the relationship between sleep mode timer threshold and such performance measures as QoS and user terminal power saving by assuming that the arrival of downlink user data is a Poisson process. 本文第2章借助M/G/1排队模型分析了在下行用户数据包的到达为Poisson过程的条件下,休眠模式定时器阈值与服务质量和终端功耗节省之间的关系。